.Posted on March 7, 2024.through Russell Gayer.
28 Reviews.
A few years earlier, somebody provided me a manual entitled, Maintain Your Mind Alive. I took this to indicate the anonymous donor of the book desired to maintain my human brain in a glass jar for use in a potential transplant-- ala doctor Frankenstein..
Guide has 83 Neurobic Physical exercises to prevent amnesia and boost psychological health and fitness. Some of which is to clean your teeth with your nondominant hand. I gave it shot. My brain rejected to comply. Instead of the bush moving up and also down & backward and forward, my toothbrush remained fixed, as well as my mind appeared and also down and side-to-side. Evidently, I possess an Abby Regular type of brain.
Do you possess any sort of human brain physical education you exercise? If so, feel free to listing them in the remarks.
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Copyright-- Rowena Curtin.